A curated Library of Music Production Tutorials on Youtube
Dynamics & Gain:
beginners guide to compression(series)how to hear drum compressionhearing attack and releaseusing clippers to get loudnessoverview of sidechain methods ~maximum accuracy in sidechainingsidechain compression, when and howdynamics and physical integrity
Saturation, Distortion & Waveshaping:
how distortion works:saturation for peak control & harmonics ~sseb in-depth saturation/distortion
tutorial 1sseb in-depth saturation/distortion
tutorial 2sseb in-depth saturation/distortion
tutorial 3
Filters & EQ:
beginners guide to eq(series)eq, why bother?eq ear trainingeq to shape distortionlinear phase vs minimum phasewhy most eqs shift phasewhat is phase and when does it matterEQ crampingEQ deep dive ~
Reverbs, Delay & Space:
how to shape a reverb ~advanced reverb explanationdifferent ways to use reverb in mixinghaas delayspanning above/below the head using psychoacousticsdifferent panning & widening methods ~
Creative FX:
thinking out the box with fx
General Mixing:
four traits of a good mix:ear training for mixing ~basic routing terminology ~phase in mixing ~bus processing & mix glue ~
General Mastering:
loudness and what LUFs are exactly ~the three main goals of masteringspotify tech specs:an alternative to masteringmatt davis mastering masterclass
5 step melody checklist
chord progressions & harmony(series)___
Counterpoint for arrangementApplied Species Counterpoint(series)Imitative Counterpoint(series)Schenkerian Analysis (Series)___
arranging your musicarrangement of a hyperglitch ep(series)
Ear Training:
intro to ear trainingthe major scale
primer on microtonal stuffintro to microtonal in electronic music
Sound Design:
Synthesis Methods:
subtractive synthesisadditive synthesisfm synthesisfm synthesis in depth(series)granular synthesismodal synthesis with eqsphysical modelling basicsphysical modelling techniques ~concatenative synthesiswavetable masterclass___
basic kicks and snaresreplacing drum transientslayeringfm rimshots---
better substurning anything into a bassa comprehensive guide to neuro bass___
creating glitchy variations of a motifmechancial percussive glitchesaliasing sound design___
Pad and Drone Design___
General Advice:
Modern FX based Sound DesignElements of Realismtechnical fundamentals of soundlearn to hear overtones___
Technical Info:
Digital Audio:
how computers store sounddigital audio fundamentals(series)applied dsp(series)the fourier transform explained
Analog Audio:
The mechanism behind speakers & headphonesDIY Analog Signal Processing Tutorials---
what is dither?how & when to ditherdither & bit depth___
Monitoring & Metering:
an intro to analyzers ~noisia on how to use spectrograms(series)checking sub levels with a spectrum analyzersetting up an analyzerword of caution abt waveforms___
understanding filter dsp with stock delayrotating sound in a spectrogramthe loudest sound you can make ~making waveforms look like imagesevery sound is made from sinesfilter artefact deep dive
Software Specific:
getting faster at abletonguide to ableton shortcutsfile organisation___
101 bitwig tips ~the grid & why its tbeguide to the grid ~phase & maths in the gridbitwig routing ~setting up a listen bus___
vital, the movie50 vital tricksvital hidden tricks___
phase plant in depth50 phaseplant tricks___
Written Resources
sheet music & theory:
a fuckload of sheet music, mostly classicalaural sonology___
BitwigAbletonfabfilterkiloheartsnewfangled elevatespotify for artists___
that's it, my vain attempt to bypass the youtube algorithm
there is no correct order to watch all these in, you will need to decide for yourself when each bit of knowledge becomes usefulfor transparency's sake i'll mark my own tutorials with a ~I aim to maintain this list and keep adding/removing things as i see fit.
I hope it is of some use to you.I'll leave you with a link to my discord and to my personal website:discordwebsite~